Katamari forever ost album
Katamari forever ost album

katamari forever ost album

The old breakup line “it’s not you, it’s me” comes to mind when I think of some of these songs, except in this case that phrase isn’t a lie it actually describes how I feel about a few particular songs on this album. That’s not a criticism of any of the songs on Katamari Fortissimo Damacy, though. Even if I’m not totally in love with all the tracks here. The same “wacky and interesting” vibe delivered by the game is also carried by the game’s music - in fact, I think the soundtrack to Katamari Damacy is one of the reasons the game did so well.

katamari forever ost album

I don’t know why someone made a four-hour longplay of Katamari Damacy, since it’s the kind of game you really have to play yourself to get anything out of, but here’s one on the off chance you’ve never seen it before:


They have a style of goofy lighthearted humor that is actually pretty funny and not annoying as such attempts can often be, and one that also gels with the unique gameplay style that the series established. I’ve only played the first and second games in the series ( We Love Katamari, also for the PS2) but both are well worth picking up. Katamari Damacy was one of those wacky new things from Japan when it came to the States, the kind of game that made people think “wow, look at the crazy shit they come up with over there.” Something like Super Monkey Ball or Seaman. That’s more or less the object of a stage in a Katamari game, or at least of its most fun stages. If you’ve never played any of the Katamari games, imagine rolling a sticky ball around a city that grows as it collects objects and is able to pick up increasingly larger objects as it grows such as cats, mailboxes, cars, fountains, trees, entire buildings, and eventually whole land masses. This is the OST to Katamari Damacy, a weird ass PS2 game that pretty much defied categorization when it was released back in 2004. If you can’t tell from the cover to the left, I’m talking about Katamari Fortissimo Damacy.


This particular soundtrack I only own a digital copy of, so I can’t tell you about the inserts or liner notes, but the music itself is enough to write a review, isn’t it? I’m not a professional at this. It’s been a while since I reviewed a game soundtrack, so I thought why not take another one for a spin.

Katamari forever ost album